Premium Studio Listings

Enhance your studio's visibility and attract more pottery enthusiasts

Featured placement at the top of search results

Your studio will claim a prime spot at the very top of search results. This ensures that your studio gets noticed first, driving more traffic and potential students to your doorstep

Make your studio stand out

Our premium listings boast a distinctive and vibrant design, ensuring your studio captures attention and leaves a lasting impression on every visitor

Additional information in your listing

Elevate your studio's profile with additional photos and more information, providing a richer experience for users and helping them connect with your offerings more intimately

Priority support: Your updates and edits get processed faster

With priority support, any updates or edits to your studio's profile and courses are processed at lightning speed, ensuring your information is always current

Special badge indicating your studio as a premium member

Our special premium badge boosts your studio's credibility. Let visitors know, at a glance, that they're looking at one of the best studios in the pottery world

Exclusive Workshops and Events Promotion

Maximize your reach with event spotlighting. Whether it's a special workshop, an open studio day, or a pottery sale, we'll prominently feature your events to our community, ensuring maximum turnout and engagement